Store Policies
Terms, Conditions, Etc.
At Dolgins, we are small independent jeweler who aims to please. Here is some basic information on how we operate.
Dolgins has many clients who do not live within driving distance. We are capable of shipping our fine jewelry anywhere within the United States. We mostly ship via Fedex or USPS though do use other carriers too. All our jewelry is shipped insured through Jewelers Mutual. Someone over the age of 21 will have to sign for it.
The price of shipping varies from $50 to many thousands. We coordinate shipping when your jewelry is ready. And shipping is never free though some stores include it in the price.
At Dolgins, we love jewelry and want you to love yours. We accept returns and usually discuss the terms during the purchase because each case is unique. Often, we care more about executing someone's gesture or thought than getting the exact piece correct. In those circumstances, we want the surprise and can figure out the perfect piece later.
Dolgins is NOT a corporate entity either. While we do not want to be abused, we also know not all returns can happen within 30 days. We are happy to work reasonably and honestly.