Prongs hold a diamond or gemstone in jewelry, and they wear down. As they wear down, the diamonds or gemstones are more likely to fall out. We rebuild those prongs ensuring that the diamonds and gemstones are safely set in the piece of jewelry. A few factors affect how quickly prongs wear including the metal (platinum prongs last longer than gold), the location (outside prongs take more abuse than protected ones), initial size (small prongs wear faster), etc. We can rebuild prongs and retip them, so your diamonds and gemstones will be safe for years to come. We do quality work rebuilding prongs and use a laser welder to add harden metal to the ring, so it will last for many years to come. The prices vary but expect to pay $30 per prong or $120 for 4. More complicated prong rebuilds are more expensive.
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Availability:In stock
Categories:Jewelry Repair
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